The inspiring final paragraph of Maria Voce’s meditation from Saints Together on the Holy Journey [p. 44] closed our first day. It reminded all of us that we, Chiara’s family, have a mother who is our model and who continues to fulfill - also through her Movement, her extraordinary design, which is to generate, with the Holy Spirit, the Son of God and enable him to live in our world. We understood that this was our highest goal in forming communities.
On Sunday, our second day and final day, Suzanne Lee with Norma Angel and Teresa Ceolin presented the results of the contributions from those who had answered the questions of the previous day. What surfaced was a true and realistic understanding of the needs of the community - to meet together periodically face-to-face, with all the various branches, groups and generations together, perhaps 3 to 4 times a year. But, also expressed was the need to increase unity within the various groups through all the means of communication available, including Zoom. Importance was also given to meeting the needs of new persons and the youth through accompaniment and inclusivity.
Time during the afternoon was also given to being a family firstly by deepening our relationships with the focolarine and focolarini from the Montreal focolare. The Ontario community got to know a little more, Donatella, who shared about her early and more recent experiences in the Ideal. It was such a gift for all of us to hear about the divine adventure that, over time, brought Donatella to Canada.
As well, it was a special gift to reconnect, in person, with Manon who shared about her recent stay in Italy where she participated in an excellent course on discernment that she felt was very enriching. Most of all, we were deeply touched as she recounted her experience of when God gave her the light to see the next step forward on her holy journey that would bring her back to Montreal and then on to Luminosa. As she accompanied our little choir of singers, we felt grateful for her faithfulness to her commitment to her musical skills.
Then, to get to know the new persons that had arrived in Ontario we opened up the mike to hear their stories. What a special moment it was to learn about their families, achievements, skills, hopes and aspirations; to learn also about the current conditions in the countries of those from the vast family of Chiara that have come to settle in Ontario. Members of the Movement who are not able to join in person very frequently also came up to the mike and shared some recent experiences in their lives. This was a great way to connect and get to know them better. Chiara’s text “Be a family” closed our day. With smiling children and babies in strollers our Ontario Community meeting felt like a springtime. It was a moment of grace, a moment in which we felt encouraged by the Holy Spirit to go forward with synergy and family spirit. Our community meeting was the first step that will require many more steps as our Ontario Community begins this new Ideal year.
As well, it was a special gift to reconnect, in person, with Manon who shared about her recent stay in Italy where she participated in an excellent course on discernment that she felt was very enriching. Most of all, we were deeply touched as she recounted her experience of when God gave her the light to see the next step forward on her holy journey that would bring her back to Montreal and then on to Luminosa. As she accompanied our little choir of singers we felt grateful for her faithfulness to her commitment to her musical skills.
Then, to get to know the new persons that had arrived in Ontario we opened up the mike to hear their stories. What a special moment it was to learn about their families, achievements, skills, hopes and aspirations; to learn also about the current conditions in the countries of those from the vast family of Chiara that have come to settle in Ontario. Members of the movement who are not able to join in person very frequently also came up to the mike and shared some recent experiences in their lives. This was a great way to connect and get to know them better. Chiara’s text “Be a family” closed our day. With smiling children and babies in strollers our Ontario Community Meeting felt like a springtime. It was a moment of grace, a moment in which we felt encouraged by the Holy Spirit to go forward with synergy and family spirit. Our community meeting was the first step that will require many more steps as our Ontario Community begins this new Ideal year.
By Teresa Ceolin