The answers on the question from members of the Focolare Communities in Central and Eastern Canada
Over 2 years of pandemic I'm experiencing ever-growing inner peace and deepening relationship with the Lord. From the very beginning I used to say to everyone; " Stay close to Jesus not to the Corona virus". I shared it with others and I noticed that during the day, I was able to remain in His presence more easily. Fortunately, we were blessed with daily Eucharist in our chapel even though churches were closed for a few months in a row. I have only gratitude for all the graces that I constantly receive. I can say that for me the pandemic became a time of growth and renewed relationship with our Lord. Sr. T. - Windsor
I have a neighbour, an Italian couple of almost 90 years old, who are Catholic. Due to the pandemic they cannot go out so I brought them the Sunday missal and they were very grateful. When his brother passed away, immediately the husband came to ask me to pray for his soul and he also gave me some money to take him to church to offer intentions.
During the pandemic I noticed my neighbour was suffering from depression. She accepted my invitation to go to receive communion with me in our parish. My building mate offered to pray for this neighbour as well.
The Pandemic helped me to shift my gaze from the passing things of this world to what is essential. This period prompted me to reach out to more people, especially those who were going through a difficult time and those experiencing loneliness.
The Pandemic gave me an opportunity to think about all the people that I never had time to connect with, some going back as far as 30 years ago. I began going through my list, calling them one by one. We re-established our relationship and now we call each other on a regular basis.
The 2 years of the pandemic were definitely a time of opportunity for me to grow in many ways. One way was in deepening my relationship with and trust in Jesus Forsaken through embracing all the many unexpected and different sufferings that I encountered. Another way was in seeking and living moments of Jesus in our Midst that gave me strength, courage and the light to continue along my holy journey.
I love making cards and crafts. During the pandemic I suggested that my classmates make cards and write words in the cards for seniors at a senior residence. A few of my classmates responded and the seniors were very happy.
During the pandemic, among other things, I made several telephone calls to single people. As for the daily walks, they have been lengthened given people's thirst for speaking, for communicating.
During the pandemic, I had the opportunity to call lonely, sick, elderly and often confused people and was able to keep in touch with these people. Together, we listen to each other, we share, and we exchange our experiences...and this brings us closer to each other and we fill our hearts with joy and serenity.
After many visits to a friend who was in a residence for the elderly, and over the months, after establishing a relationship of trust (I lent books and provided pastries, etc.) when she was affected by COVID-19, I maintained daily telephone contact and I was even able to accompany her and pray with her as she lived her last moments of life... . .
I found the contact details of a family who had taken a little distance from the Movement. I listen to their news and share in what they are currently experiencing. They are getting close to me.
The positive side of the pandemic on me is that I had to stop, stop all volunteer activities, sports center, group meetings, which I took for granted. This imposed moment allowed me a time of rest and reflection, and to restore my inner health with more time of prayer.
During this pandemic I have experienced truly enjoying God's creation when going out for long walks. Perhaps taking a little more time to enjoy what God has given to us and to count my blessings. Definitely, taking more time to read His word. Also, to appreciate more when it comes to family, friends, colleagues, brothers, and sisters in Christ. To take each day, hour, minute, and moment at a time. Praying more.
I have spent more time with my family, exercising, working and donating more money to people who need it.
In my neighbourhood, there are a lot of old people. We try as a family to do what we can, things that we would not have done before, like for example when we go to the farm or to the store to take things our elderly neighbours like.
In our Word of Life group made up of many young people, we have noticed that there are young single people who are suffering from depression and anxiety around the pandemic. We meet every month for the Word of Life, but in the middle of the month we have a game night because we found out that a lot of people are playing games online to relieve stress and the idea came to me that instead of playing online games alone, we could play games together. While playing there is a lot of discussion and interaction and a lot of laughter and joy.