Title: God is Mercy (in 3 parts)
Name file: God_Mercy_3parts_H264android360PW25.mp4
Duration: 16'20''
Description: In occasion fo the Year of Mercy 2016, Meditation on Mercy with Chiara Lubich, John-Paul II, Benedict XVI, Pope Francis I in 3 parts.
Part 1: God cries with us (You can find this part also on his own with the same title: God cries with us)
Part 2: Our world needs mercy (You can find this part also on his own with the same title: Our world needs mercy)
Part 3: God prefers mercy to sacrifice (You can find this part also on his own with the same title: God prefers mercy to sacrifice)
Music: J.S. Bach: Concert for 2 violins in D minor, Largo BWV 1043
J.S. Bach "Aria" with the voice of Danielle Licari
J.S. Bach Concert for cello suite n°1 interpreted by Rostropovitch
Schubert: Ave Maria with panflute played by George Zamfir
J.S. Bach: Cantate "Sleepers awake" BWV 140
Production : Focomediasharing
Editing: Luk Magnus
Click here for the text of the 3 meditations on mercy