-Officiële website van de Focolarebeweging Nederland

-Officiële website van de Focolarebeweging België

-Official website of the Focolare Movement international

-Official Vatican website

-Zenit (The world seen from Rome)

-Site of Radio Vatican

-CTV Vatican Television on youtube


Andere websites van de Focolarebeweging:


-Focolarejournaal (Collegamento CH)

-Chiara Lubich Center

-Teens for unity

-Site van het Woord van Leven

-Word of life for 15-17 teens

-Woord van Leven voor gen 4

-Het woord van leven in PPT in verschillende talen

-Youth for a United World

-Chiara Luce Badano

-United World Project

-Gen 4 (Children)

-New Families

-New Humanity (1)

-New Humanity (2)

-Action for a United World (AMU)

-Economy of Communion

-MPPU - Movement Politics & Policy for Unity

-Sophia University

 -UPM (Università Popolare Mariano)

-Together for Europe




-La bottega di Ciro

-Youtube Foco Bangalore


Andere sites:


-Ciro: an interesting artist


-NGO  Knowledge and sustainable development (for Africa)

-Emmanuel Music


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